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... / What’s Hot and What’s Not in 2022 (adv-2022)Industry Expertise / Financial Services BDO's IFRS and Corporate Reporting webinar series has returned for 2022. Join Aletta Boshoff and Kevin Frohbus as they discuss What’s Hot and What’s Not in 2022. | |||||
Advisory / Optimizing Operations & Business Performance Improvement | |||||
... / Accounting Considerations on IBOR To RFR (ADV-Accouting002)Industry Expertise / Financial Services In this webinar, we covered IBOR Reform and Prudential Regulation. IBOR Reform: Regulators have announced a transition away from the InterBank Offered Rates (IBOR or IBORs) to alternative Risk-Free Rates (RFR or RFRs). Interest Rate Benchmark... | |||||
... / TRANSFORMING INTERNAL AUDIT METHODOLOGY INTO AGILE IA (ADV-AGILE_IA)Risk Advisory / Internal Audit Agile IA is the mindset an internal audit function can adopt to focus on stakeholder needs, accelerate audit cycles, drive timely insights, reduce wasted effort and generate less documentation while delivering high impact results. Agile prompts... | |||||
... / AUDIT MANAGEMENT SKILLS: EMOTIONAL INTELLIGENCE (EQ) AND ITS IMPACT ON INTERNAL AUDIT (ADV-AMS/EQ)Risk Advisory / Internal Audit Internal Auditors may be focused on risks, processes and controls, but at the end of the day, we audit people. It’s easy to understand the technical skills required for internal auditors, but what about the soft skills that can make us more... | |||||
... / Banking on Analytics: How to Leverage Data and AI in the Financial Industry (ADV-ANAYLTICS001)Industry Expertise / Financial Services The financial services and banking industries have typically lagged behind in data and AI adoption, but that’s changing. According to Insider Intelligence’s AI in Banking report, 80% of banks are highly aware of the potential benefits of AI.... | |||||
Internal Auditors must evaluate the potential for occurrence of fraud and how their organization manages these risks. In this session, BDO’s Risk Advisory Services practice partners with our... | |||||
Advisory / Optimizing Operations & Business Performance Improvement Imitation in the form of mastering the basics, otherwise known as “Immovation,” can unlock the greatest benefits of innovation. Hear some of our stories about how automation has created success in other organizations and how you can replicate... | |||||
Advisory / Executive Thinking about serving on a corporate board? Join BDO in conversation with Sheila Ronning, CEO and Founder of Women in the Boardroom, as she provides a board primer applicable to all those seeking practical considerations when pursing corporate... |